Family Education Centre Offers Parenting Courses
The Family Education Centre offers parenting courses, workshops, Meet Up Groups, and book clubs throughout the Region of Peel and online to educate, inform and support

parents with effective parenting skills to raise resilient, responsible, and caring children. Since COVID-19, all services have been online, and strong partnerships throughout the community with schools, community centres, settlement services, libraries, etc., are maintained to ensure they are reaching parents where they most often connect for information. Recently, a family participated in a parenting program that was offered for families involved with Peel Children’s Aid Society. This course specifically focuses on building the skills of parents for effective re-unification of parents with children, as well as monitors the use of effective parenting skills after unification to ensure parent support is consistent throughout the parent-child relationship. This family was in the process of a high-conflict separation and divorce during the COVID-19 quarantine. At the beginning of the course, the parents were hostile in their responses and interactions with each other. By week 4, they were communicating effectively and had learned to problem solve together in the best interest of their children. They began holding family meetings and significantly reduced conflict in their home. Six months later (September 2021), they report still having a civil relationship where they communicate well, problem solve effectively and the children are happily settled with little conflict between the parents. Involved in cGaming since its inception, the Family Education Centre is grateful for the funds raised at Delta Bingo & Gaming Brampton. These funds really help make a difference!