Charitable Gaming.
It’s a win-win.

Through Charitable Gaming,
we’ve raised over


for thousands of participating charities and non-profits
in local communities across Ontario.

The Ontario Charitable Gaming Association advocates for charities and non-profits fundraising via gaming, providing support to enhance this funding source for community services across Ontario.

Do you know what happens to funds from Charitable Bingo and Gaming Centres?



Food Bank

Charitable Gaming funds support many different charities beyond healthcare, education and food banks.

Explore all the types of charities we support.

The Impact We’ve Had

Margaret’s journey from computer skills training to college.
Food4Kids Halton delivers nutritional meals directly to Halton region schools.
The Migrant Worker Community Program (MWCP) in Leamington is focusing on education
  • “Welcome to the Charitable Gaming, Community Good website. Charitable Gaming has been a cornerstone in assisting local charities in communities for decades. Our goal is to raise awareness of these on-going efforts in communities all across Ontario. I invite you to visit the various pages on this site to learn more about the impact and how it is made possible."

    – Lynn Cassidy, Executive Director, OCGA

  • "Thanks to the Charitable Gaming funds raised at Paradise Gaming Centre through our Volunteer efforts, we were able to purchase groceries for our “Meal to Go” program. This allowed us to prepare frozen meals for local seniors to purchase. We wouldn’t have been able to provide these services without this generous support."

    – From the staff and participants at Life After Fifty – Thank You!

  • "Being involved with Charitable Gaming for over 15 years, I can attest to the immeasurable impact that it has on Communities in Ontario. Grassroots organizations that struggle to qualify for other funding models are able to flourish; often expanding their services and programs and extending their reach. These funds are kept in our Communities and impact the lives of our neighbours and friends. Charitable Gaming undoubtedly strengthens the fabric of communities all over the Province."

    Nichi Aikins, Charity Coordinator, Barrie Bingo Sponsors Association

  • "Charities across Ontario are provided with unwavering support from Charitable Gaming. We are offering a unique opportunity for charitable organizations to raise much needed funding. The funds raised through the centres provides millions of dollars for local charities. Last year alone $80 million was raised for well over two thousand participating charities. I urge you to get in touch today to see if your charity can benefit from the great works done through Charitable Gaming."

    David Fraser, Senior Director, cGaming, OLG

Our Mission

Charitable Gaming. Community Good. We believe that Charitable Gaming can have a positive impact in your community, and that’s why it’s an ongoing source of grassroots funding for participating local charities and non-profits across Ontario.

Our charitable organizations partner with commercial operators in Charitable Gaming Centres to fundraise for their communities.

Our Contributions

At Charitable Gaming Centres, the biggest winners are local communities. To date, we’ve raised over $500,000,000 for thousands of participating local charitable organizations.

Our Volunteers

All of this is made possible through volunteerism at local gaming centres. Our member charitable organizations and their volunteers provide customer care, help promote events and share valuable knowledge about their charity and how the funding will be used.

Our Partners

Charitable Gaming was developed in collaboration with Ontario Charitable Gaming Association (representing charities and non-profits), Commercial Gaming Association Ontario (representing commercial operators)  to deliver a new gaming entertainment experience to preserve and enhance funding for participating local charitable organizations. Working together, we have been able to sustain and grow the charitable industry while ensuring a direct portion of the funds goes back to local communities.

Contact Us

To learn more about Charitable Gaming and how to participate, please reach out to the Ontario Charitable Gaming Association (OCGA).

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